F-Stop bags return home

F-Stop bags return home

After introducing the F-stop range of bags to WA several years ago, there were some unfortunate changes in the distribution and we’ve not been able to supply F-stop bags for the last few years. It is with a great deal of pleasure that we can announce Team Digital will again be stocking the F-stop range.

These bags are simply the most comfortable backpack on the market, with a very unique way of storing and protecting your precious camera equipment.



FStopTilopaF-stop believe your camera bag should assist you in getting the perfect shot and not hold you back. That’s why F-stop camera bags and transport systems are engineered to do more than just help you survive the journey. By collaborating with professional outdoor photographers, the designers at F-stop have rethought what it means to haul camera equipment. F-stop brings you hardworking packs, designed to protect your gear and keep you organised, even in the most hostile environments.

Whether you’re shooting in the city or deep in the outback, F-stop build each one to get you and your gear there safely and efficiently, ready to focus on the image.

There’s a big range to select from, ranging from the huge Shinn with a 80L volume all the way through to Kashmir with a 30L volume.

We guarantee that this will be the best backpack you will ever own.

Stock will be available in September.