Meet the new Drobo B810n

StorageReview Drobo B810n

Meet the new Drobo B810n.

The worlds first 64TB NAS with Data-Aware Tiering

The B810n is a fusion of large and fast. It can grow up to 64TB presenting itself as a single large pool of storage. If you add two SSDs, it accelerates access to commonly used “hot” data. Ideal for a network of up to 100 users, the Drobo B810n can store and share files. Use it as your primary storage for important files and documents OR as a place to backup files, projects, or even connect computers on the network.

SSD Accelerated Performance

The B810n was designed to provide all users uniform performance. Add two SSDs and you can accelerate performance for all simultaneous users. New technology uses two techniques to accelerate access to your data:

Data Tiering: as transactional data (small pieces of data) is read or written it is placed in SSD storage. Subsequent reads or writes to these blocks are almost instantaneous as there is no delay induced by a hard drive’s magnetic head having to move into position. Active, or “hot” data, is stored in an SSD tier of storage. As it cools, i.e. access decreases, the B810n will move the data to the hard drive tier.

Hot Data Cache: this is a technique to accelerate data reads. As data is read from hard drives, the B810n will prefetch nearby data that it predicts will be also be read. Your benefit is faster access and less waiting.

Dual Ethernet Ports: Bond Together, or Failover

The B810n has dual Gigabit Ethernet ports. These can be bonded together to provide approximately twice the read/write performance you get via a single port. Or they can be used to provide a connection to two different subnets. Furthermore, they can be used in an “active/passive” mode so that if one port fails the other takes over.

Share Files With OS X, Windows, or Linux Users

Don’t worry about compatibility — Drobo the B810n works with computers running OS X, Windows, or Linux operating systems. By default, the Drobo B810n uses the SMB file sharing protocol to talk to OS X or Windows. If you set up a share for Time Machine backup, it uses Apple’s AFP protocol. Linux users pick which file sharing method to use on their system.

Drobo DR: Offsite Data Replication Built-in

The B810n has a feature called “Drobo DR” (DR = disaster recovery). You can set up a pair of B810n’s to automatically make an offsite copy of your data. This provides an easy to setup offsite backup of your important data. Even better, the remote B810n stores all user account information so that recovery is a breeze.

Optimised for Time Machine

One or more Macs on a network can use the Drobo B810n for storing their Time Machine backups. Create a separate shares for use by Time Machine and assign them a maximum size. This lets users control how much space Time Machine uses, and stops it from taking over all storage on its backup target.

Protecting Your Critical Data from Power Loss

Drobo protects your data from loss in the event of a sudden power outage. This protects directory structures ensuring Drobo will remount on your computer. Drobo has a battery inside that powers RAM memory. When there is a power outage, data is stored on internal flash-based nonvolatile storage. Your data is safe until power returns. The battery recharges itself and lasts for the life of the product.

Add Customised Functionality With DroboApps

DroboApps add functionality to your Drobo B810n. Whether it’s cloud back up provided by either Crashplan or Elephant Drive or the video and music streaming offered through the Plex media server, these simple-to-install apps extend the capabilities of your Drobo B810n.


DroboCare is simple, powerful protection for your Drobo storage. The DroboCare support program extends your peace of mind beyond the standard warranty term and phone support included with your Drobo purchase. In fact, DroboCare gives you more, even during your standard warranty period.

ETA late November

Price looks like being around the $2700.00 mark.

Want to know more contact Trevor Team Digital’s Drobo expert.