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Apple Sierra update – DON’T do it yet.

I’m sure a lot of you have heard the crew here at Team banging on about not being an early adopter when it comes to Apple Operating systems.

No matter how shiny and new it looks, the chances are you will break something when you do the Apple OS upgrade (that it asks you to do everyday).

Whenever Apple does a super new upgrade, Team Digital’s phones light up with customer complaints that something doesn’t work anymore – Printers, Network storage, Networks, Colour Management, Wacom Tablets, and much much more.

To keep your sanity (and ours) our advice is: DON’T UPGRADE for a least a few months after an upgrade has been released. Or you can talk to us about whether it’s safe to do so. It’s best to wait for all these Little/Big problems to get sorted.

This latest upgrade has killed about 15 to 20 client’s printers in that they can no longer print from Photoshop. We have a solution to this problem, which is to use Mirage software to print with, which we love and recommend. The other solution is: don’t upgrade until the problems are fixed.


Here’s a little gem we picked up from the Adobe website:


Adobe has discovered the compatibility issues listed below when running Photoshop CC 2015.5 and earlier on macOS 10.12 (Sierra).

Printing in MacOS Sierra crashes while printing to some printers and devices

Our engineers are working on a solution for a future update.