Introducing the exciting world of Photoshop HUD, while HUD isn’t a function of the Wacom tablet or driver it’s actually a function of Photoshop. Combine it with the Express key functions on a Wacom Tablet it then has to be the most efficient way of selecting your brush size and the hardness or softness of that brush.
And its pretty simple to do
Apple users : Control + Option + Click
Windows User Control + Alt + Right Click
You then move your pen left to right to change the size of your brush and up and down to control the hardness or softness of the brush SIMPLE.
You can also set this function up as Express key on your Wacom tablet. Under Modifiers in the Express key Menu. It is one of the handiest functions you can set up improves both efficiency and productivity.
You can also use Colour HUD same concept. Open the colour selector directly on your image and make colour selection using Photoshop HUD here’s how.
- Ctrl+Alt+Cmd (Mac), Alt+Shift+Right Click (Windows) which you can set up as an Express key on your much loved Wacom.
- Use Preferences to set display as either a Hue Strip or Hue Wheel
- Press and hold SPACE to move between the Hue Strip and the colour field
Go forth and HUD