blueprint for a wedding photography business…

Want to maximise your income & profit from the weddings you are shooting, or want to become a wedding photographer?


Being a wedding photographer offers a great lifestyle – constantly meeting new, amazing couples to work with, flexible hours to maximise your personal life, travelling to shoot destination weddings – it’s all possible, but only if you can make enough money from your weddings to sustain your lifestyle. Lots of photographers start out with the desire to fulfil their dreams, only to find the sales and marketing too hard and then they fail.

Well, we want to show you that it’s not hard, it’s all possible. In fact, if you approach it the right way, it’s easy. You just need the right building blocks, a blueprint, for a successful wedding photography business. 

So, if you’re struggling, don’t know how to start or just want to do it better – this is the workshop for you!

Join Chris & Anne for this 2 day workshop, surely to be one of the most comprehensive and valuable you’ll attend. Our goal is to help you take your business to the next level.

Click here for more information