There have been a lot of clients that shown just a little frustration re converting Raw files from the Canon 5D MkIII and both new Nikons D4/D800. We had cause
If you are Camera club member or looking to join one, this is for you.
The West Australian Photographic Convention is on this month. This Convention is fantastic way to mix with like minded people who love photography. If you arent a member of Camera
Canon release EOS 60Da whats it all about?
Put simply the EOS 60Da is tailor made just for Astrophotography. It’s designed to ensure accurate depictions of the reddish hues when photographing diffuse nebulae in the nighttime sky with
On Assignment: A Day in the Life of a Photojournalist Workshop
There are still a few places left for this very special FotoFreo Workshop : Photojournalism within a newspaper environment is constrained by strictures, traditions & deadlines not experienced in many