268 Lord Street
Perth WA 6000
is a continuation of our Photoshop course series. It focuses on specific training needed to create & manage images for the Web and Multimedia presentations such as MS PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, OpenOffice Impress, etc.
This course runs from 9:00am to 5:00pm on Wednesday 26th October.
In this 1-day course, participants will: prepare images for the web; optimise images by saving them in different formats and applying transparency to them; apply color management techniques, alter image brightness, and ensure color consistency to create images that are attractive to the widest possible audience who use different platforms such as Macintosh and Windows; create web page layouts; export a web page & create animations for web and mobile devices.
Adobe® Photoshop CC will be used in class. It is much less applicable to earlier versions of the software.