Colour TuneUP

Is your workflow feeling a little off-colour?

…we can help with Team Digital’s Colour TuneUp.

This is a remote access service. One of our colour management experts will log-on to your computer and audit, then fine-tune, your Colour Management system.

Monitor Linearisation and Calibration:- support for Eizo ColorNavigator, DataColor and Xrite hardware/software systems. Choosing appropriate settings for different outputs, from prep-for-web to print. Working with saved preferences.

Digital Imaging app preferences:- for Photoshop, Lightroom and CaptureOne. Ensuring this software is reading the most recent monitor profile. Are they playing well together? Values, choices and ramifications.

Printing:- for Epson photo printers. Got the correct media profiles? setting up Printer Driver settings to match these. Saving presets.

We’ll finish with a drive-through of your best Colour Managed workflow.


Available Mon-Fri 11am to 8pm
Cost: $95 —

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