Technical Tips

Here’s a tip from the service team that may help some of you keep a full head of hair a little longer:

Dropbox: Everyone at some point has the problem of wanting to sync files on more than one computer. Enter Dropbox. Free, easy to install, beautifully designed software.

Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. Put your files into Dropbox on one computer, and they’ll be instantly available on any of your other computers that you have installed Dropbox on (Windows, Mac and Linus too).

Because a copy of your files is stored on Dropbox’s secure servers, you can also access them from any computer or mobile device using the Drobox website.

€œI use Dropbox for my financials and important documents € says Team Digital support technician Rob. €œThat way even if my Mac is stolen or destroyed I can retrieve a copy from Dropbox’s secure servers €
