Team Digital and the world leaders in studio flash Elinchrom have come up with a great Xmas promotion. If you are wanting to get started on studio lighting then we
Epson Printer Weekend 12th March 2011
10.00 to 12.00pm True Colour 1 ( The Intro ) This 2 hour seminar style course introduces the concepts of Colour Management and covers everything you will need to know
Another NiK seminar – 16th November
When too much NiK is barely enough… After Team Digital’s successful NiK Software seminar run over the weekend. The distributors of this product, CR Kennedy informed us yesterday, that the
Another NiK seminar — 16th November
When too much NiK is barely enough : After Team Digital’s successful NiK Software seminar run over the weekend. The distributors of this product, CR Kennedy informed us yesterday, that