What does the Atmosphere Aerosol do ? It enables photographers and filmmakers to quickly, easily, and safely create fog or haze for photos and film. How does it work? Shake can
Celebrating 30 years of Canon EOS
Congratulation to Canon for 30 year of EOS To celebrate the Canon EOS 30th anniversary we’re excited to offer 30% off any Lens or Speedlite when you purchase a DSLR
Arriving soon: Jinbei Mars 3
Jinbei Mars 3 is the exciting new HSS TTL super Micro battery powered camera flash system. Incredibly lightweight with a head that’s only 200 grams and a base unit that weighs
Eizo ColorEdge at Team Digital Promotions
An Eizo Coloredge editing monitor will take all the guess work out of getting your prints to look the way you want. The monitor is the window to your creative