The clever people at Epson

The clever people at Epson have just released a firmware update for the P-6000 and P-7000 multiviewers. What it does is allow you to connect your camera directly to the viewer, then send and view images on the viewer ( in short tethered shooting). This has a few advantages one being able to view the images on a larger screen, you can still also get a histogram and exif data displayed. The second advantage is you can have files backed up on the viewer and on the cameras memory card.
We tested it on the Canon 7D and it worked like a charm. taking about 5 sec to download. So if you have a Epson P-6000 or P-7000 you download the update from this link

If you are wanting a cheaper alternative we have tested the new Memory Kick Si media centre. It’s a little more compact and a larger capacity 250Gb $ 450.00 and 500Gb $ 660.00 now in stock.